Add a Farm or Event

Thanks! You're Done!

You should receive an email within the next hour, with a copy of the information you submitted.  You will then receive another email when it is posted.

If you DO NOT receive an email within 24 hours, that means either:

  1. You entered your email address incorrectly (this happens about 8% of the time);
  2. Your spam filter or ISP blocked the email;
  3. Something failed in email delivery or
  4. Something failed in the form or in the internet email and I did not receive your entry.

What to do if you don't receive a confirmation email within 24 hours?  Please use the feedback form to let me know that you submitted an entry and didn't receive a confirmation.  I'll check on it and write back! I respond to every email I receive, so please follow up if you don't hear back!

Your finished listing(s) will appear under state = , county or area = and should look pretty much like this, of course, with differences depending upon which website it should appear (PYO, Pumpkin patches, or Christmas). You may need to scroll down the page to see all of the listings:

Click here to return to

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