Typcial Harvest Dates or Special Event Dates

Regular hours and dates go above, but if you would to provide typical harvest dates for each of your crops, or event dates for special and activities, do so here:
           (example: "Strawberries season is typcially: May 10 to June 15,  Blackberries: July. " , "Corn maze is open from September 15th through October 31st." ) DO NOT USE ABBREVIATIONS FOR DAYS, MONTHS, DATES or anything else! The software will change what you wrote and prevent you to the best of its ability - but if you insist on using abbreviations or putting phone numbers in anything other than the phone number field, it may read VERY strangely!


Picking update page: If the farm also has a page that lists what is currently available to pick, or provides updates, enter the address of that specific page here. (NOTE: again, don't repeat your farm's home page: enter a link here that is specific to crop updates):