Community Food Festivals And Events

These are true community events, or multi-farm, events, NOT, repeat NOT for a festival held by a single business or farm.

What crop or food is the focus of the festival ?:

apples asparagus apricots beans beets  blackberries blueberries boysenberries lima beans (broad beans) broccoli carrots cherries  chestnuts corn (sweet) cotton cranberries cucumbers currants (red and black) eggplant  figs flowers gooseberries grapes grapefruit herbs/spices lavender flower) lemons loganberries marionberries muscadine grapes melons nectarines olallieberries olives onions oranges other berries other citrus pears peas peaches pecans peppers persimmons plums pumpkins raspberries (red) raspberries (Spring, red) raspberries (Autumn, red) raspberries (yellow) raspberries(Spring, yellow) raspberries (Autumn, yellow) raspberries (black) raspberries (Spring, black) raspberries (Autumn, black) rhubarb saskatoons squash (summer) tangerines squash (winter) strawberries tayberries tomatoes other vegetables walnuts  OTHERS not listed here (enter them in the 'Other information' box near the bottom of this page)

Other festival types:

Harvest festival   Christmas festival   Winter festival    Cherry blossom  festival    Other flower festivals   

Check all activities, events, products and services that you offer, and anything else that applies.  If you offer related items not included in this list, you can add them in the Other Comments section!

Fresh produce (fruit or vegetables) for sale   Cooked or baked foods for sale  
Parking provided free   Parking provide for a fee   Shuttle buses to/from parking   
Gift shops/stands   refreshments, snacks   parade   live musical entertainment   Carnival rides   Cooking or fruit/veg judging  
restrooms   picnic area    face painting   pony rides   bouncy castles   petting zoo   farm animals   
events at YOUR location (the customer's location) 

Weather provisions:
Held indoors in bad weather Tents or other provisions are made for bad weather
FREE admission  There is an admission fee  (include it in the text area below)

Other features of the events (not described above)

Food festivals: If there is any other relevant information - specific to the festival - such as any age range restrictions, parking areas, shuttle buses information, or the events occur at certain times, you may enter that below: