Easter Egg Hunts And Events

Check all activities, events, products and services that you offer, and anything else that applies.  If you offer related items not included in this list, you can add them in the Other Comments section!

Easter egg hunts for children Easter egg hunts for infants   Easter egg hunts for toddlers Easter egg hunts for all ages (includes adults) Easter egg hunts for adults (only)
Flashlight Easter egg hunt Helicopter Easter egg drop Easter cruise (ship) Easter Train Ride
Easter Parade Egg decorating Egg rolling / egg roll Easter egg trail (UK)   
Easter bunny:

The Easter bunny will make an appearance   Visits and photos with the Easter Rabbit
Breakfast / brunch:
breakfast (with the Easter bunny)  breakfast (no bunny)   brunch with the Easter bunny    brunch (no bunny)  Pancake breakfest or brunch
Weather provisions:
Held indoors in bad weather Tents or other provisions are made for bad weather Postponed in bad weather (explain in the comments section) Canceled in bad weather
FREE admission  There is an admission fee  (include it in the text area below)
Other activities:
Childrens crafts  
Children's music and storytelling
Other activities for children  
Bring a basket to collect the eggs! Baskets are provided
Farm animals are present

Age ranges for the events:

Easter: If there is any other relevant information - specific to the Easter event - such as any age range restrictions, pricing, fees or donations, or the events occur at different times for different age groups, you may enter that below: